Den beste hjemmelagde hamburgeren

slik lager Heston sin hamburger

For the burgers

625g/1lb 6oz beef chuck
25g/1oz salt
1.2kg/2lb 10¼oz short-rib meat, minimum 30-day dry-aged
625g/1lb 6¼oz beef brisket

1. Cut the chuck into 3 x 3cm/1 x 1in cubes and toss with the salt in a bowl. Cover with cling film and store in the fridge for six hours. The salt will penetrate the meat during this time and begin to draw out some of the moisture.
2. In the meantime, cut the short-rib and brisket meat into 3 x 3cm/1 x 1in cubes and combine the two.
3. Using a meat grinder with a 3mm plate, grind the short-rib and brisket twice. Refrigerate this meat until very cold.
4. Combine the cold ground meat with the cold diced chuck and mix well.
5. Before you begin the final grinding, place two layers of cling film across a chopping board or baking sheet and position under the mouth of the grinder.
6. Using a coarser, 8mm plate, pass the meat mixture through the grinder. This will retain some larger pieces of the chuck.
7. As the meat comes out of the grinder, have a second person use their hands to lay out the strands of meat on the cling film. Try to keep the grain of the individual strands running lengthwise in the same direction without getting tangled together. To do this, start laying the meat down at the edge of the sheet furthest from the grinder and work across to the closest edge.
8. Wrap the meat up tightly in the clingfilm, twisting the ends in opposite directions to form a log shape. Prick a few holes in it with a pin to release any air pockets trapped inside, then continue to twist the ends to tighten until the log is about 12cm/5in in diameter.
9. Wrap the log in another layer of cling film to keep it from coming apart, and refrigerate until needed.
10. When the meat has chilled thoroughly, place the still-wrapped log on a cutting board and use a very sharp knife to cut slices about 150g/5¼oz in weight. (The cling film helps to keep the meat from falling apart.) Place the finished patties on a baking sheet and refrigerate for later. If you have more patties than you need, they can be individually wrapped at this point and frozen until needed.
11. To finish the patties, take each one between the palms of your hands and gently press into a burger shape the same diameter as the bun and 2cm/¾in thick. Take care to keep the grain of the meat running in the same direction.
12. Cover the burgers with cling film and refrigerate until you are ready to cook them.

Oppskrifter fra; Heston Blommenthal

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